Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Every Day- Katherine Haddy

Blog by Katherine Haddy
Period. 2

Image result for everyday david levithan book cover

Every Day 
By: David Levithan

5/5 Stars:
             I gave this book five stars because it always leaves you wondering, like who's body A is going to be in next and this book also has a bit of romance in it but not over the top like most teen books.

            The setting in this book is never the same, it constantly changes from body to body and town to town. They communicate using e-mail and don't mention much of cell phones so I'm guessing it takes place in the 90's and in Maryland.

Main Characters:
            Although the main character does not have a body and is just a spirit, they go by the name A, the other two main characters are Rhiannon and Justin who live in the same town and go to the same high school.

          A is our narrator and the mind we are stuck inside of, every day they wake up in a new persons body and has 24 hours to be them. They are a spirit of existence and always has been, since they don't have a body of their own A goes by the pronoun "They".

           Rhiannon is the girl friend of Justin and the romantic interest of A. She is a teenage girl that has relationship issues with her boyfriend and is scared of being alone, she knows it is hard to be with someone like A but follows him through his journey in hopes there is a way to be with them for good.

          Justin is, of course, the boyfriend of Rhiannon and a body that A took over at the start of the book. He is verbally abusive to her and her friends that sometimes includes A. He has no memory of the day A took over his body and went to the beach with Rhiannon and feels like anyone that is in A's body is flirting with Rhiannon, he gets jealous but still continues to treat her poorly.

Main Events:

  • When A entered Justin's body at the beginning of the novel, they met Rhiannon at school and instantly had an interest in her. Feeling this way towards her made A brake his own rules and skip school with Rhiannon and go to the beach for the day, even though A knew this was not normal for Justin to show this much affection and effort towards his and Rhiannon's relationship.
  • A entered Amy Tran's body, who only lives an hour from Rhiannon, and chose to drive to her town and find her, this is the first time A had seem Rhiannon since the day at the beach. When A finally found the high school and Rhiannon they tried becoming friends with her and it surprisingly worked.
  •  A tells Rhiannon about how they live, waking up in a new body every day, and at first she wasn't sure but then she believes them but knows that they cant be in a relationship due to their situation, but still, A drives to Rhiannon and emails her as much as possible.

Internal Conflict:
  • A wakes up in a new body every day and has to choose either to follow the rules he has been living their entire life by or brake the rules and follow their heart
External Conflict:
  • Rhiannon and A's relationship will not work out well because A does not have a body, they are just a spirit.
  • Every body A is in talks to Rhiannon and Justin thinks every one is flirting with her and gets mad but continues to not treat her right.
       I would definitely recommend this book to any one that likes fiction, I was recommended this book due to my love for Harry Potter, so for any one that likes the HP series I suggest you give this book a try.

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