Thursday, February 16, 2017

Dylan Johnson

Dylan Johnson
Period 5

The Alchymest

Image result for the alchemyst

    4 stars
I gave this book 4 stars because it is an interesting, fun, easy read, but it can get boring at some times


The book takes place in Current day San Francisco, Paris, and the goddesses realm, Hekate.


      Josh Newman: Sophie's twin Brother. Josh works for Nicholas at his book store with his wife, Perenelle. He is a magician with untapped powers, as does his sister.
      Sophie Newman: Joshes twin sister. She works at a coffee shop across the street from josh and also has untapped magical powers like his brother.
      Nicholas Flamel: He is the owner of the bookshop that Josh works at. He and his wife are hundreds of years old and Nicholas is considered as the best alchemist and magician in the entire world, dead or not.
      Dr. John Dee: This is the antagonist of the story. he steals a book from Nicholas's shop that allows them to be immortal


      1. The twins didn't know of their powers or of who Nicholas was and what he could do.
      2. If Nicholas doesn't get the book back for the potion, he and his wife will die of old age in little more than a month.
      3. Perenelle get abducted by Dr. John Dee and is put into a prison.

          MAIN CONFLICT:

          The main conflict for this book is that Dr. John Dee wants to destroy the world and give it back to the things that were in the universe before the humans came. He plans to do this with the book he stole from Nicholas, which contains the spell to do so.


          I would recommend this book tot anyone who likes non-fiction books that is also comedic at some times. I believe this book would classify as a fantasy. This book series reminds me of many Rick Riordan books, only a bit of a more difficult read than his books.


          1. Like all the detill you put intooo this and all the time to make this good

          2. Like all the detill you put intooo this and all the time to make this good
