Thursday, February 16, 2017

Anique Stalnaker period 5

After Grace by Matheus Macedo 
I give this book 4 stars because it was intriguing and kept the readers attention all the way to the end of the book. It is one of my favorite books because it has valuable lessons hidden in the story.

After Grace takes place in the United States post-apocalyptic. Mostly northern states with harsh winters and brutal summers. Buildings are in rumbles and stores are ransacked till the only thing left is the empty shelves.

Grace is an eighteen year old girl, who is head strong and very stubborn. Her camp never really made her feel welcome and she always felt different.

  • Grace meets Tom who rescued a little boy from cannibals. Tom asks for Grace's help to save more children from a cannibal group called the "Vesp". Tom teaches grace how to shoot and how to evaluate a situation. 
  • After Grace saves two kids, she has to find her way back to her camp while being chased by the Vesp.  
  • While she tries to escapes the vesps grasp she meets another community and seeks their help. 

External Conflict: A group of cannibals called the "Vesp" are entering the area where Grace and her community have set up camp. The Vesp have imprisoned people from other groups. Grace tries to help the people being held captive while still trying to hide her own camp from the Vesp.
Internal Conflict:  Grace has to fight the stereotypes that have been forced on her while trying to figure out her past and who she really wants to be.

I would recommend this book to anyone who loves intense adventure, a very brave heroine and mystery. Anyone wanting to take an emotional trip along with the character and have their adrenaline pumping non stop will absolutely love this book. Nothing can compare to the long journey full of colorful characters and how they evolve over time. 

1 comment:

  1. Id read this book because the setting and plot seems to be very interesting.
