Thursday, February 23, 2017

Rose Under Fire.

Rose Under Fire by Elizabeth Wein tells the horrors Rose Justice faces as a Ravensbruck guinea pig. Rose is an American ATA pilot and amateur poet. When flying a plane from Paris to England Rose gets intercepted by the Nazis. She is introduced to Ravensbruck but doesn't know of it yet. " I wish I could remember the detail of what it looked like from the air. Was there smoke coming from the crematorium chimney?" In this heart wrenching brave novel Rose learns loyalty, friendship, and right from wrong.
Rating: 4 start
Setting; Ravensbruck
Main Conflict: Survival

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Jaden Urban, Period 2
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The Postcard Killers
by James Patterson & Liza Marklund
                                                                     5 Stars                                                                          ★★★★★

                 I gave this book five stars because once you start on it, it's nearly impossible to put down. It keeps you guessing the whole time and the characters and settings are simply amazing.


                 Although the book went kind of all over the globe the main setting were New York, USA and in Sweden. The novel takes place in present day with phones, cars, airport security and the whole lot.

Main characters:

                Jacob Kanon: Mid 40's, Jacob is an homicidal detective who just lost his daughter and son in law, who were brutally murdered by the so call Postcard Killers. He feels he is responsible for their deaths because he talked them into going out and seeing the world and pays for them to go to Paris. Kanon's wife left him when his daughter was born, so all he had in his life was his daughter, so when she dies he goes on a hunt for her killers and promises not to stop until he catches them.

                Dessie Larrson: Early 40's, Dessie is a reporter who got send a postcard from the killers, which is how they got their name, "Postcard killers." After they killed a young couple they would send a postcard to a local reporter to whatever city they did it in with a picture. Dessie teams up with Jacob to help him find the killers.

Main Events:
  • In the US, back in the late 1890's and early 1900's, There were killers called postcard killers who would go around the country and kidnap people and sometimes even kill them. The Antagonist in the book were almost trying to "copy" them. 
  • Jacob's daughter and son in law get murdered on their honeymoon in Paris.
  • Jacob swears he will chase them till he dies if that what it comes to.
  • Dessie gets a postcard from the so called postcard killers
  • Jacob meets Dessie from the police and they kinda just decide to find the killers together.\

 Main Conflicts:

                External Conflict: The external conflict is kinda obvious if you read the stuff before this, mainly just Jacob Kanon and Dessie Larrson go on a search to find Jacob's daughter's killers.

                Internal Conflict: Jacob has to keep arguing with himself if he should just give up, and trying to convince himself that it wasn't his fault that his daughter died. 


                I recommend this book for anyone that likes a good thriller. Also The Postcard Killers is an adult level book so if you like reading those then this might be a good book to try out.


Paranoid Park-Casey Hay

  • Casey Hay...Period 5
  • Paranoid Park By: Blake Nelson
  •                                     Image result for paranoid park 

  • I'd give it a 3.5
  • Takes place in Portland
  • He's a teenage boy
  • Some stuff happens
  • The boy doesn't know what to do
  • I don't know what you guys are into so you can read it if you wanna

Goddess of the Night by Lynne Ewing

Autumn Nelson
Period 5

Goddess of the Night
By Lynne Ewing

5/5 stars*****
This book deserves 5 stars because it never got boring and you never guessed what could happen.

Setting: The main setting is in the middle of Los Angeles around the 20 century. They don't have cellular phones, only house phones.

Main Character:
 There are two main characters as of right now and their names are Vanessa and Catty. They've been best friends since third grade, now in high school, and they have a secret they've always shared.

  •  Vanessa: Vanessa is the main character of the story. She is always cautious and very thoughtful about what she does and says. Vanessa's secret is she is able to turn invisible. She's believes everyone is slowly finding out about her and Catty's secret when most people don't even have the slightest clue. She lives with her mother who does not knew about her secret, yet. Vanessa's mother is a very skeptical and protective and does not like Catty that much because she believes she is a bad influence on Vanessa.
  • Catty: Catty has been Vanessa's best friend since they found out they had the same necklace in the third grade. Catty lives with her un-biological mother who knows about her secret, which is that Catty can travel 24 hours into the past and the future. Her mother lets her do whatever because she knows Catty is different and shouldn't be treated the same.

Main plot events:
  • Vanessa has someone following her at night but she doesn't know who or what.
  • Vanessa and Catty meet new people who have powers like them.
  • Vanessa goes to a fortune teller and what she hears doesn't surprise her but scares her.

  • Internal: Vanessa has a crush on a guy named Michael. Catty tells her to go for it but Michaels ex, Morgan, keeps telling Vanessa that he just wants to get her into bed. Its a decision she has to make by herself with her thoughts and to try to trust Michael
  • External: Someone keeps following Vanessa at night but she has no clue who.
Recommendation: I recommend this book to anyone who loves a little mystery with some romance and anyone who is into novels about magical powers.

The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe; created by Matthew Harmon

Blog created by Matthew Harmon
Period 6

The Chronicles of Narnia, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe

By C.S. Lewis

Open ...Open ...Open ...Open ...

Rating:            4 Stars
I give this book four out of five stars because this book depicted a unique world of fantasy, which left me on the edge of my seat. I give it four stars, for the amazing story, the plot development, and the imagery in it.

The Setting of Narnia is mostly in the land of Narnia. But the book starts out where the four main character children are in the middle of the WWII era during the bombing raids on England where they are moved into the countryside to this big mansion. And in the mansion is where they find the magical wardrobe that brings the children into Narnia.

  • Peter: High King Peter Pevensie was the eldest of the Pevensie children, and the ruler of the Kingdom of Narnia after the White Witch's death. As the oldest, he was responsible and caring, always wanting to do what was best for his siblings, therefore becoming High King over his brother and sisters.
  • Edmund: King Edmund Pevensie, also known as "Ed", was the second oldest of the Pevensie children, and the second one to enter the magical world of Narnia. He was mischievous, dry witted and rather sarcastic, but changed largely after his experience with the White Witch who tricked him into betraying his siblings for her.
  • Lucy: Queen Lucy Pevensie was the youngest of the four Pevensie Children, and was the first one to discover Narnia.

Main Plot Events:
  • One of the first main plot events is when they the children lose their brother Edmund in Narnia due to the wicked White Witch who tricked Edmund into following her and betraying his family.
  • Then Peter, Lucy, and Susan are able to get Edmund back from the witch with the help from Aslan who sacrifices himself for the children.
  • Then the white witch attacks Aslan’s followers since Aslan is dead, but the children help the Narnians fight the white witch and defeat her.

  • External Conflict: Peter, Edmund, and Susan don’t believe Lucy at first that Narnia exists and that the wardrobe is magical.
  • External Conflict: Aslan and his followers fight against the wicked witch in order to try and save Narnia.
  • Internal Conflict: Edmund doesn’t know if he wants to tell the wicked witch about his family because he doesn’t yet know if the witch is good or bad.

I would recommend this book for anyone who likes fantasy genre and books that take you to a world beyond our own. This book is a fairly easy read. C.S. Lewis will hold you captive as this fascinating world is discovered and it is full of adventure.

"Where She Went" by Gayle Forman- jenny ochsner

Jenny Ochsner 
Period 5 
"Where She Went" by Gayle Forman

5 stars

I have read this book several times since last year. It has a great love story in it and it tells you about Mia's recovery since the accident. 

The time frame is around 2011, about 4 years after the accident. It's mainly in New York City. 

Main Characters
Adam- He seems to focus on himself more than other people now. He doesn't liked being asked too many questions and he gets upset when people talk about Mia. He seems more of a sad person now. Almost as if he has to force himself to get up every morning and force himself to start the day. 
Mia- Mia is a fighter. She tries hard every day to live knowing her parents and brother died. She lives with the pain of having scars and has to walk with a limp. She has a kind heart and does what she does. She is a very busy person and appears to be alright without Adam. Or so it seems.

Adam is about to go on tour with his band.
Adam goes to Mia's concert in  NYC.
They go to a small restaurant. 
They travel the city together.

Main conflict
Mia blames Adam for making her stay. In the first book he sits by her bed side and begs her to live. The problem seems to be external because Mia is blaming Adam for wanting her to live.
" It would've been easier to die. It's not that I want to be dead now, I don't. I have a lot that I get satisfaction from, that I love. But some days, especially in the beginning, it was so hard. And I couldn't help but think it would've been so much easier to be with the rest of them. But you-- you asked me to stay. You begged me to stay. You stood over me and you made a promise to me, as sacred as any vow. And I can understand why you are angry, but you can't blame me. You can't hate me for taking your word."

The genre is drama and romance. I think people who enjoy people falling in love again would enjoy this book. "If I stay," both the movie and book, remind me of this book.


BZRK Reloaded By: Micheal Grant
Matthew Zafonte
Period 4

I liked the book because it was filled with action and excitement it always had me on the edge of my seat.
  • The story takes place in New York some time in the near future where technology can control people.
Sadie: A rich 16 year old with dark hair and brown eyes.
Noah: 16 year old brown haired kid who is a member of BZRK.
Alex: Noah's older brother who is a veteran who is in a mental hospital. 
At the end of the first book they are in a battle where Vincent is captured and chained between two trains.
Nijinsky steps up to be leader after Vincent gets his arms ripped off and goes insane.
The Armstrong twins get Bug man on their side and get biots into the presidents brain so he can control her.
Main Conflict
The BZRK cell is left in pieces when they loose a battle to the Armstrong twins who are conjoined brothers with a plot to rob mankind of its free will.
If you like Sci-Fi books you will like this one


Every Day- Katherine Haddy

Blog by Katherine Haddy
Period. 2

Image result for everyday david levithan book cover

Every Day 
By: David Levithan

5/5 Stars:
             I gave this book five stars because it always leaves you wondering, like who's body A is going to be in next and this book also has a bit of romance in it but not over the top like most teen books.

            The setting in this book is never the same, it constantly changes from body to body and town to town. They communicate using e-mail and don't mention much of cell phones so I'm guessing it takes place in the 90's and in Maryland.

Main Characters:
            Although the main character does not have a body and is just a spirit, they go by the name A, the other two main characters are Rhiannon and Justin who live in the same town and go to the same high school.

          A is our narrator and the mind we are stuck inside of, every day they wake up in a new persons body and has 24 hours to be them. They are a spirit of existence and always has been, since they don't have a body of their own A goes by the pronoun "They".

           Rhiannon is the girl friend of Justin and the romantic interest of A. She is a teenage girl that has relationship issues with her boyfriend and is scared of being alone, she knows it is hard to be with someone like A but follows him through his journey in hopes there is a way to be with them for good.

          Justin is, of course, the boyfriend of Rhiannon and a body that A took over at the start of the book. He is verbally abusive to her and her friends that sometimes includes A. He has no memory of the day A took over his body and went to the beach with Rhiannon and feels like anyone that is in A's body is flirting with Rhiannon, he gets jealous but still continues to treat her poorly.

Main Events:

  • When A entered Justin's body at the beginning of the novel, they met Rhiannon at school and instantly had an interest in her. Feeling this way towards her made A brake his own rules and skip school with Rhiannon and go to the beach for the day, even though A knew this was not normal for Justin to show this much affection and effort towards his and Rhiannon's relationship.
  • A entered Amy Tran's body, who only lives an hour from Rhiannon, and chose to drive to her town and find her, this is the first time A had seem Rhiannon since the day at the beach. When A finally found the high school and Rhiannon they tried becoming friends with her and it surprisingly worked.
  •  A tells Rhiannon about how they live, waking up in a new body every day, and at first she wasn't sure but then she believes them but knows that they cant be in a relationship due to their situation, but still, A drives to Rhiannon and emails her as much as possible.

Internal Conflict:
  • A wakes up in a new body every day and has to choose either to follow the rules he has been living their entire life by or brake the rules and follow their heart
External Conflict:
  • Rhiannon and A's relationship will not work out well because A does not have a body, they are just a spirit.
  • Every body A is in talks to Rhiannon and Justin thinks every one is flirting with her and gets mad but continues to not treat her right.
       I would definitely recommend this book to any one that likes fiction, I was recommended this book due to my love for Harry Potter, so for any one that likes the HP series I suggest you give this book a try.

               Blog By: Hunter Galbreth
Period 2

Image result for andre dawson by Andre Dawson book

Andre Dawson
By: Andre Dawson

4 stars **** I give this book 4 stars because, It's not a boring book it's actually really entertaining  to predict.  I wanted too give this book a five but i don't really like baseball that much other then that its amazing.

Setting: This novel takes place in a town called Miami, Florida This novel talks about baseball and how good this guy was, he was a very poor guy, Andre took home a gold metal in 1987.

Main Characters: Their are three main Characters..... Andre, His Mom, and his Dad That live in Miami, Florida.

Andre..... Is the first person we meet in this novel , Hes the one who plays baseball and talks about his past or it and his future.

Mom...... Is the second one we meet she is really happy and nervous about her son playing a dangerous sport.

Dad.... Is happy about him playing a sport and hes the one who change his life and taught him about god.

Main plot: Is All about his life like baseball and his poor family.


Internal: Andre struggles with school and baseball and his doesn't like his home life.

External: Mom and Dad don't get along much because one likes baseball and the other thinks its very dangerous.

Internal: Andre doesn't know how to react about his parents fighting over this sport he really likes and wants to play.

I would recommend this book to the people who like baseball and who like fighting parents.

blog by Trent Kaski
period 2

                                                     Crossfire Trail by: Louis L'amour
Image result for crossfire trail book cover

Four stars ****
This book deserves four stars because it always has enough going on to keep you from zoning. The only reason I didn't give it five stars is because sometimes it takes awhile to get to the real action.

The setting is in the 1800's, At first is was on a ship but then the characters rode to a Wyoming ranch.

main character 
Rafe Caradec is the main character and is tough and determined. his only goal is make sure he keep's his promise he made to his friend Charles Rodney. His promise was to make sure the Rodney ranch went to Charles daughter.

main plot events
At the beginning Rafe is at end of his work year on a ship that he got tossed onto when drunk. Rodney died and told him about the ranch. As he heads over toward the ranch he learns that two of the roughest men around wanted the ranch and Charles daughter.

internal conflict: Rafe is going to have to fight two on one and he couldn't handle breaking his promise.

external conflict: He will have to fight to keep his promise.

Recommendation: I recommend this book to people who like westerns.

the eye of the world

blog by Gabriel Crowdus
period 2

Front Cover
The eye of the world 
by Robert Jordan

Four stars****
 I give this book four stars mainly because i was only able to read about half way. it was vary good up until that point and i am sure it would have had a nice ending.

 The setting takes place in a time similar to the story's that Tolken had begun. the only differences are the names of the races, creatures, and places. there are a different style of ring wraiths but there are a lot more than nine, and the don't look for a ring. Another style of orcs are trollocs. they are twice the size of a man win a mans body, fur, and a snout of another animal( they are not vary intelligent either). there is a new spin on magic and spell casters. only a woman can wield magic and survive, and men who survive grow mad or die a terrible death if not trained.

main characters

there is one main character and 7 other side show main characters. the main one is a son of a farmer with a shady history. three others live in a place called emondsfield, there home village, with the main character and are roughly the same age. the others are visiting when the story and adventure begins to take place.

young men at a curtain age are being hunted, for the purpose of recruited and thrown into the service of an evil "dragon".(a person that is like an Anti Christ in this world). this dragon is more powerful than any of those who claimed to be a dragon before him. rumors say that he wiped out all the magic casters sent to stop him. and is raising army's never herd of before. clans never seen together before are gathering for one purpose. to wipe out the light of man.

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Linnea Peldo's Book Blog Period 2

Orphan Train 
by Christina Baker Kline

5 stars! 

This novel was well deserving of a 5/5 star rating, as it told a moving story of two women, both casualties of strings of foster homes, who each struggle to transcend a past forged by isolation and hardship. This book refused to be put down until the last word was read, and was definitely a heart-wrenching page turner.

This setting of this novel moves between contemporary Main and Depression-era Minnesota. Christina artfully alternates between telling the life story of Vivian Daly, who as a young Irish immigrant was sent by rail from New York City to an uncertain future, and Molly Ayer, a seventeen-year-old whose troubled adolescence leads her to seek answers for her past. The chapters switch smoothly from olden day Midwestern America with orphaned young Vivian to the year 2011 on the peaceful coasts of Main, where the unlikely pair begin a friendship together. 

Main Characters & Events:

  • Molly Ayer has been in the foster care system since she was 9 years old. Her loving father was killed in a car accident soon after her eighth birthday, and her mother, overcome with grief for her late husband, began a downward spiral of drugs and alcohol. Because of her remaining parent's lack of care, Molly was then placed into foster care. After 12 foster homes, Molly is finally placed with Ralph and Dina. She trusts no one, has no friends, and takes on a Goth look for protection. However, after stealing Jane Eyre from the community library Molly is given a punishment of 50 hours of community service, where she meets Vivian Daly.
  • Vivian Daly's story begins in New York City in 1929, where she has emigrated from Ireland with her family in search of a better life. On one fateful night, the tenant apartment that the family is staying in catches fire, and in a sick twist of fate, Vivian, whose birth name is Niamh Power, is left the sole survivor of a family of six. Niamh is then given to the Children's Aid Society by the German couple who had previously lived across the hall from the Power family. A few weeks later Niamh, along with other children, are Minnesota-bound on the Orphan Train in search of new homes. On the train, Niamh is given the task to care for a toddler named Carmine, who helps her get to know Dutchy, a teenage boy taken off the streets in order to start a new life. When the train finally reaches Minnesota and the children are chosen by couples in need of children to call their own, Dutchy and Niamh make a pact to find each other in the future. Niamh lives through three foster homes, the first, where she works as a seamstress named Dorothy until the stock market crash of 1929, and the Byrne family can no longer afford to house her. In the second foster home, Niamh lives in squalor, and is almost raped. Love is finally shown to her in her last foster home, where she is given the name Vivian. This last family is where she grows up safely and meets her first husband, who ends up to be her long lost friend from the Orphan Train, Dutchy.   
Although the novel follows the lives of Vivian and Molly in vivid detail, Orphan Train contains snippets of the lives of other characters, as well. 
  • Ralph and Dina: Molly's current foster parents. Dina detests Molly, and the feeling is entirely mutual, but Ralph and Molly form a shaky form of friendship.
  • Jack: Molly's boyfriend, and her first true friend. Jack sees through the facade that Molly puts up to hide her true self, and Molly respects him for his insight. Jack is also responsible for organizing Molly's community service project at Vivian's home, which begins the pair's acquaintance.
  • Dutchy: Vivian's friend on the Orphan Train, and her late husband.
  • Byrne family: Vivian's first foster parents, who name her Dorothy.
  • Grote family: Vivian's second foster home, one in which she is almost raped. 
  • Nielsen family: Vivian's third and final foster parents, by whom she is loved and later adopted, and is given the name "Vivian" after their beloved daughter.

The main conflict of this novel was more a battle of emotions, rather than an actual skirmish. Both Molly and Vivian endeavor to make sense of their turbulent pasts, and strive to overcome feelings of abandonment and isolation. These battles of wills and emotions give a name to the many internal conflicts that both women are continually faced with throughout the narrative. 


I would definitely recommend this amazing novel to anyone who enjoys a one sitting read. Once started, this story is impossible to put down! As it follows a true course of history, this novel has multiple educational bits as well, with information about a time in our past that is sometimes forgotten. Christine Baker Kline's Orphan Train will hold you captive as this fascinating tale unfolds! 

Friday, February 17, 2017

Let the Sky Fall (reviewed by Jonathan M.)

A Blog by Jonathan Mandich
5th period English II

Let the Sky Fall

Shannon Messenger

Rate:  ★★★★☆

👉 This book depicted a unique world of fantasy and science fiction, which left me hopelessly engrossed in the story played out by the characters. While a bit slow at times, this book will leave readers saying "one more chapter" at two in the morning, until the very last page is read. I give it four stars, for the amazing story, the plot development, and the imagery in it.

👉 In modern times, located in the desserts of Coachella Valley, California. The main character, Gavin Weston, nicknamed Vane, lives in a small town with his foster parents, after his parents were killed in a freak windstorm when Vane was young.


👉 Vane Weston is a 17 year old high schooler just trying to live a normal teenage life after surviving a category-five tornado that killed his parents, erased his memories of his previous life, and earned him the nickname "Miracle child." But his whole life is turned upside down when the only memory left of the past, the face of a girl, resurfaces as an actual person. Now, he and the girl, Audra, have to race against the clock, and unlock Vane's power before danger hits his new home.

👉 Audra is a sylph, or a wind elemental. Most of her life has been devoted to being Vane's guardian after losing her father to the same storm that killed Vane's parents. Her task is to protect him, and slowly teach him about his family, and teach the seemingly oblivious sylph boy how to control his unique powers. But after their location is compromised, Audra is forced to reveal her existence to Vane, and try to train him to fight before danger finds them.

Important Events:

~The Four Winds~

Sylphs, a small race of humans that are connected to the sky rather than to the earth. This unique race has the ability to understand the language of the winds, and control them. Sylph's are divided into four clans, one for each direction. Vane learns that he too is descended from one of the clans. Once his parents, who could speak to the peaceful West winds, were killed, Vane became the sole survivor of the Westerly Clan. 


Vane's memories of his life before the tornado are gone. His family, his home, everything. Except for one special memory, the face of a mysterious girl his age. Then Audra shows up into his life. She trains Vane to control the North, South, and East winds, in hopes that he can unlock his past and trigger his ability to talk to the West winds. But the one link to Vane's past has a few secrets to keep herself, which could either be the key to Vane's recovery, or the tripwire for both of their deaths.

~The Danger Ahead~

After being the first to master three winds, Raiden, a powerful Northern sylph, turns against his kind and takes over the sylph kingdom. He intends to learn the language of the nomadic Westerly Clan, which is denied to him by every sylph he comes across. He and his army slaughter the entire Westerly Clan, save for Vane and his parents. After the tornado kills off Vane's parents, Raiden searches endlessly for the last Westerly, in which may be his last attempt to master all four winds and become invincible. After learning the location of Vane after a decade of searching, he sends soldiers to go after him. But Raiden himself may have found a power even more powerful, and more sinister, than anything else before. Will Vane and Audra be able to stop his reign of terror?

Vane's Struggle

Vane learns that he is a sylph and that he is the last person said to be capable of killing the tyrant Raiden, and bring peace to all sylphs. The only problem is that Vane can't talk to West winds. He has no way of remembering anything from his past. The only thing to do is train. As Vane learns to control the winds under the guidance of Audra, Raiden's men draw closer and closer. But this is a war. Will Vane be able to come to terms with that, and ignore the peaceful instincts, and the nomadic blood coursing through his body? Or will he not be able to end his enemy's life?

I recommend this book to:

👉This book has the potential to be up there with the rest of the best. Anyone who enjoys character development, drama, and action in their stories should give this a read.

👉Lovers of the fantasy, romance, and science fiction genres

👉Give this book a try if you've read bestsellers like: The Lightning Thief, The Hunger Games, and Divergent

The Doubt Factory by Paolo Bacigalu

Blog By David Shtempel
Period 6

The Doubt Factory
By Paolo Bacigalu
Image result for doubt factory3.5Image result for 3.5 stars
I give this book three and a half stars because it is a well written book that gets reader wondering whats gonna happen o  the next page every time. But in my opinion the plot was a little disappointing. I didn't find that punch line or climax, point of major turn over, all actions happened so smoothly that it was hard to notice how and when setting had changed. 

Action took place in a little rich town where only people that had owned some sort of business could afford to live. somewhere in Connecticut. Sometimes it is mentioned how main character and her friends visited New York City is search for street art.  It was a present day story that took few weeks to happen.

There are two main character that lead us through the whole book.
Alex: she is a smart, quiet, teenage girl that realizes that everything in her life is not always true (that's why it is called "The Doubt Factory") after a stranger appears in her life and enlightens her. After that her life is never the same.

2.0: he is the stranger that stocks Alex for big part of the book. Of course that is not his actual name but I wont bother spoiling his identity. 2.0 is part of a part of a vandal group/community that closer to the end appears to be ones that try to stop evil and reveal a big secret to the world.

Main Plot Events

  • In the very beginning when we get to make a first glance on out main character's. There is something that 2.0 does that really got Alex interested in him. By doing what he did, he started a flame inside her. A flame that made her concentrate only on him. She was thinking and thinking about it over and over in her head. She know that he did it no by accident and that he wanted her to see it. It was all sort of a plan, so she wouldn't resist anything that happens afterwards in the story.
  • There was a very unusual scene when Alex got to meet the whole 2.0 gang. She never resisted when they took her as she wanted them to do it, and everything that they told her sounded really convincing to her. Maybe it is because she was one of those girls that had a thing for "bad boys." or because she though that her life was boring and she wanted to change something.
  • Also a scene that really influenced the whole story when the "vandal" is face to face with our Alex. This happened before she got abducted. In school, when the SWAT team rushed into the building from every possible entrance, including windows. This man ran into her and a very strange moment was between them. As she described, she couldn't tell if he was aggressive or, or something else. From that moment on, she really began thinking about the feelings she might have towards the stranger/stoker.

Internal conflict
-Our main character Alex, as mentioned before, she has a big trouble deciding to believe or not to believe the strange man she met. She has internal war going inside he because the feeling and doubt cant be in one person at once.

External conflict
-A big and well known factory is doing something very bad that is killing innocent people, but all they care about is making money. Here they stand against a group 2.0 who got influenced by the lie that the company spread.

I recommend this book to people who are going through tough time deciding on their feelings toward anything but keep it all inside. This book clearly shows all the feelings and thoughts a regular teenager may be going through in similar situations. I wouldn't recommend this book to people that are full head into action and drama, and all that because this book is more thinking and feeling with very unexpected events so if the person that doesn't like to think, stop and infer or predict tries to read it, they will get confused very and very quickly.