Friday, March 3, 2017

The Book Thief

Ryan T. Berry period 5

"The Book Thief"
by Markus Zusak
The Blog is by Ryan Berry
Image result for the book thief front cover
this is just where i got the image from.

My rating on "The Book Thief" is 5/5
why I rated the book this is that it is a very good book to experience.

The main setting in the book
the stage is set for World War 2 and Adolf Hitler takes power in Germany and the book burning begins which for Leslie aka the book thief is way to drawing for her not to take a book.

The main characters:
Rudy Steiner 
Max Vandenberg 
Leslie's foster parents (which for some reason are un-named)

Plot events
in this book the "Night of broken glass" occurs which is when we find Max a Jewish man trying to escape being sent to a camp.

Schooling also occurs where we meet Leslie stealing her first book a history book.

running on a track pretending he is in the Olympic games as a young kid is Rudy Steiner.  
  • Explaining the main conflict 
    • What is the problem?: The Nazi party is leaving no food for the people and Rudy and Leslie plan to steal something from them, however breaking into the mayors house to get food changes when Leslie is around in a Library full of books. 
    •  external conflict?: The conflict  is very external but internal is extremely visible Leslie's foster parents are trying to figure out what to do with this man they have living in their basement.
  • Give a recommendation for the book
    • Who would like it?: people who love a good mystery and an historical fiction
    • What genre is it?: historical fiction
    • What other books/movies/TV shows remind you of the book?: the movie Stalingrad where the Russians have been invaded in Stalingrad by the Germans and what is left of the Russian soldiers find a lady and protect her.
  • This has been "The Book Thief" blog by Ryan Berry

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