Friday, March 10, 2017

Alora's Book Blog

I gave this book five stars because it is very entertaining. It is funny. It is sad. It is nerve racking. This book makes you feel everything and it is great. when I was reading this book I felt like I really knew the character and everything he as going through.

This story takes place in Florida mostly at a boarding school called Jefferson lake. It is Modern day I think around 2104/2015. The story is over the course of about a year with some flashbacks.

Main characters:
The main character in this book is Lee Adams he is sarcastic funny  and sweet but he is also depressed, has major anxiety, and claustrophobia. Lee's parents died when he was 15 in a car accident so his 19 year old brother is his guardian.

Main plot:
Lee is still struggling with the fact that his parents are gone after attempting suicide he was moved to a new boarding school {Jefferson Lake} he makes new friends and meets a girl which he cant really get close too due to the anxiety and claustrophobia. him and his brother are pretty close but they do tend to fight a lot but they always push through while trying to get over his depression and all his other disorders he is trying to have  normal life which turns out to be not so easy. Lee has panic attacks all the time whenever he gets too close to someone so he is just trying to overcome it.


Internal conflicts: Lee deals with his anxiety and his depression and his claustrophobia all while still dealing with the death of his parents. This is all messing with his emotions and he is just trying to keep it together. He uses art to get through it.

External conflicts: Lee has lots of panic attacks. so when he meets a nice girl he wants to get close with it is a little more difficult than your average relationship. just holding her hand could make him freak out.

I definitely recommend this to people who like to feel all the emotions. and who want to go on a crazy emotional adventure. it is a super good book.

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