Tuesday, April 25, 2017

book review of "you shouldn't have to say goodbye

  • Cami Koskiniemi #5
  • "You Shouldn't have to say goodbye": Patricia HermesImage result for you shouldn't have to say goodbye book
  •  I give this book a 5 out of 5, why you may ask? well this is a great book. It is a heart touching story. This book will get you hock with it's sad but loving story about a mom and daughter.
  • The main setting of this story is abut a mom having cancer and her 13 -year-old is struggling with it. This took place in present time. 
    • There is 13-year-old Sarah Morrow, her mother, and her friend robin
    • Sarah's mother was a lawyer who had gotten cancer. Sarah was at gymnastics tournament when she saw her mother come in in a wheel chair, Sarah's mother had a hard time talking after a little while.
      • Explain the main conflict of the book.
        • mother with cancer
        • external conflict, Sarah mother had to fight this cancer while her 13-yr-old had to watch.
      • Give a recommendation for the book
        • anyone would like this if they have a soft heart
        • real life
        • fault in our starts, Kieth

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